Free Offerings

If you are seeking a safe place to explore the possibilities of who you are beyond your thoughts, feelings and actions, please join us for a free Glimpses experience, held the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.

Create a “Wisdom” book club with your  loved ones, friends, or colleagues and deepen your connections while exploring profound insights together!

If you feel stuck inside the stages of grief with no way out because of what happened to you, this group is for you.

Would you like to receive a video from me every Thursday where I discuss a juicy topic? If so, check out my weekly Thursday Musings. 

When Feelings Hijack Your Peace

Guided Meditations

To deepen your practice, here is a library of guided meditations by Rosalyn to support you on your journey.

Discover Presence in Your Life!

Sign up to receive your free checklist and 13-minute video designed to help you recognize and cultivate presence.

Do you seek ease and comfort, creativity, deeper connections, a sense of belonging, and the freedom to act boldly? It all starts with awareness and honesty about your current state. If you struggle with judgment or unforgiveness, choose fear over love, feel like a fraud despite mindset work, are exhausted from trying to achieve more, or feel out of place or alone, this video is for you.

Watch it and join my bi-monthly Glimpses gatherings and together we’ll work to remove the blocks to a passionate life.

The Tulip & The Tree

If you are hurting from loss or would just like to enjoy a charming story with a new take on death, please click below and I will send you my fable: The Tulip and Tree.

I wrote this fable with my daughter Ally after her sister and my daughter Melissa died unexpectedly. It is a different way to hold our love for Melissa that veers away from what we were taught about death.

Through the story, many readers have said they were opened up to a new way to hold death. I’ve been told that the charm of the child-like illustrations brought a smile to their pain. Along with the fable, I will also send information on our community’s free expansion group: A New Paradigm for Grief.