Book Club

1 out of 2 people feel lonely in 2024 according to the Surgeon General in 2024. Make a difference by creating deeper connections with your people through the ancient proven pathway through a 2 hour book group event with me.

From Unworthiness to Freedom offers a promise 

Is this your moment to have Wisdom arrive? My freedom came in what could be called a mystical awakening, but afterward I saw that the Direct Path of Non-Duality explained what had happened to me. Wisdom can arrive at any moment of suffering and bring freedom. My book explains this through story and lived experience. 

Join my Glimpses of Awakening meeting which is dedicated to help folks interested in applying to their lives what the little girl in the fable learned from Wisdom. 

We meet via zoom on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 1:30p ET. When you sign up, we will send you the Zoom link for the next Glimpses meeting.

Would you like to Co-host an event with me and the folks in your network?

Limited Time Offering: Experience the Liberation of Self with “When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom”

Embark on a transformative journey with me, the author, and a seasoned Psychotherapist and Oneness Coach, as we delve into the profound depths of personal liberation. Join our Free Book Club and immerse yourself in the wisdom encapsulated within the pages of “When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom.”

What to Expect: 

  • Engage in Deep Exploration: Take a soul-nourishing plunge into the essence of Freedom Now by delving into the pages of this concise yet impactful book.
  • Guided Insight: Benefit from my dual expertise as both author and practitioner, as I guide you towards profound connections with your inner self.
  • Empowering Dialogue: Come prepared to share and participate in our enriching two-hour session. Bring forth any queries or reflections about your life journey or the mechanisms behind the book’s transformative power.
  • Exclusive Insights: As the author, I’ll be sharing additional materials that bolster the ancient healing strategies embedded within the book. Witness firsthand how these strategies can catalyze profound shifts when integrated into your life.

Why Join?

This limited-time offering promises more than just a reading experience; it’s an invitation to liberate yourself from the shackles of imagined unworthiness. Through collective exploration and dialogue, discover the keys to unlock newfound freedom and inner peace.


  • Date & Time: To Be Mutually Decided
  • Location: Zoom
  • Minimum Group Size: 8 people you would like to know better and share this powerful way of living
  • RSVP:

Seize this unique opportunity to take a deep dive with close friends and create an intimate support group for your life. Reserve a spot for your group today  and get ready for a new connection with friends and family.

For more information and to RSVP contact

Rosalyn Rourke’s book When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness To Freedom is superb. Her  own story is beautifully described. The fable is  a wonderful introduction to Non-Duality. The memoir traces Rosalyn’s spiritual journey through childhood trauma and the devastating loss of Melissa, to arrive at an understanding of our true nature. The memoir, and the questions and answers that follow it, beautifully illustrate how psychological pain and suffering can be transformed into a vehicle for the discovery of our natural, inherent freedom and happiness.

Jenny Beal

Living in Not Knowing

This is an amazing book. A quick read. I absolutely love the wisdom Rosalyn shares here, in such a beautiful simple way. And it can change the way you see yourself forever.

Lisa Natoli

creator of the Healing Cure and a phenomenal teacher of Non-Duality and A Course in Miracles

I love parables because these simple stories shape our beliefs, challenge our perceptions, and inspire us to see the world in new ways.

These were my top 5 Parables: The Motive, The Richest Man in Babylon,The 5 AM Club,The Bible, The Alchemist. But now I have a 6th: When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness To Freedom by Rosalyn Rourke, M.S.W.

Imagine if wisdom wasn’t just a concept, or a character in a book, but a real person. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Rosalyn, and she possesses an extraordinary gift for teaching. Her patience, insight, and profound understanding of life and our choices are unparalleled. Her story sheds light on how family dynamics shape our professional and personal relationships.

Christine James

CRM Strategist and Coach


If thoughts and feelings were TRUTH, they would be called Facts. In the pages of this fable and companion memoir, we learn about TRUTH and the simple way we can transcend the lie of unworthiness. Imagined unworthiness shows up as a tyranny of thoughts and feelings that cause psychological suffering.