Luckily, I have lived long enough to have learned that unworthiness is imagined.

Yes, we blunder around as humans, especially when we believe we are separate from each other. But actions, thoughts and feelings are not presence, or our True “I.” Our presence does not change with transient events. If we alter our focus and look to our aliveness, we can find a connection to the infinite.

When we step into presence, we are more available to others and to a life that is beyond problems.

Sometimes we are in need of pointers from someone who has journeyed before us. The worthy-unworthy idea does not exist when we step into presence.

Everyone is capable of finding the freedom of possibility when we learn to redirect our focus to the unchangeable.

I found freedom the hard way. It is my pleasure and my passion to get to know anyone who is drawn to these words. Please reach out with your thoughts or questions, so that we can be in communication. I look forward to hearing from you.

If you are a lover of the Direct Path of Non-Duality, this next statement will make sense to you.  

Beyond the world of thoughts and feelings and past and future, there is a place-like space that we can all directly connect to in the Now. It is not a change in us, but merely a place we now recognize. But this space has no edges. Finding it feels like wisdom has arrived. When wisdom does arrive, unworthiness no longer feels real.


If thoughts and feelings were TRUTH, they would be called Facts. In the pages of this fable and companion memoir, we learn about TRUTH and the simple way we can transcend the lie of unworthiness. Imagined unworthiness shows up as a tyranny of thoughts and feelings that cause psychological suffering.

Free Offerings

If you are seeking a safe place to explore the possibilities of who you are beyond your thoughts, feelings and actions, please join us for a free Glimpses experience, held the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.

Create a “Wisdom” book club with your  loved ones, friends, or colleagues and deepen your connections while exploring profound insights together!

If you feel stuck inside the stages of grief with no way out because of what happened to you, this group is for you.

Would you like to receive a video from me every Thursday where I discuss a juicy topic? If so, check out my weekly Thursday Musings. 


Take your individual discovery work to a new level with a VIP session with Rosalyn. Clients report that she has laser-like listening skills, combined with a kindness that opens the door to releasing suffering. Set up a 30 minute Discovery call on my calendar,if you would like more details about 1:1 VIP Coaching and get a mini 1:1 experience with me.

Unlock Your Essence through the Enneagram: Discover a deeper understanding of your personality and transform your life with the wisdom of the Enneagram, guiding you to greater clarity, flexibility, and empowerment.

Thursday Musings

Exploring Practical Spirituality


Explore practical spirituality and discover the path to emotional freedom, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of oneself in engaging Thursday conversations with Rosalyn.

Surrendering to Life: A Path to Freedom and Peace


Rosalyn explores the concept of surrendering to life and the potential freedom and peace that can come from embracing every experience as part of the natural flow.