When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom

Exciting News: When Wisdom Arrives Audiobook & Special Edition Release!

I’m thrilled to share some exciting updates about “When Wisdom Arrives.

The audiobook is now available on over 120 platforms worldwide, including easily accessible sites like Spotify, Audible, and Lantern. In addition, Bedside Reading is featuring the book in luxury hotels and print publications, complete with a special edition cover. This partnership offers guests complimentary access to curated books, enhancing their stay with new literary experiences.

Thank you, Bedside Reading, for this incredible honor. Here’s the new cover:

How this book came about

When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom is a memoir fable about the worst and the best of my life. In 2018, we got a call that our beloved 39 year old daughter was no longer alive. I remember thinking, “What? This can’t be real. Did the policeman just say it was too late to revive her?”  

Melissa had just sent me a text that said, “Mom, always shine with your full brilliance no matter what!” My husband and I and Melissa’s sister went through exactly what you would imagine: soul searing pain, intermingled with shock. Sometimes we had to pinch ourselves to make sure we were not in a joint nightmare. How could this be happening to people who had been so lucky in life?

However, I never lost my connection to Melissa after she died. Actually, the contrary happened. My life seemed to be catapulted out of where I had settled, a happy retirement from being a psychotherapist for over 30 years. More and more I was internally pushed from a private life walking the Camino and doing artistic adventures to working with people again. I was being asked to teach and speak to people about how I stepped out of psychological suffering into acceptance of what happened. What I learned from my journey into pain is that Acceptance of what happens to us, allows us a different experience that I call living in a Radical Now. The Radical Now is free from the looping thoughts and feelings that keep us struck. My stepping out of retirement led to teaching more Master Enneagram classes (see my offerings), speaking engagements, and finally the memoir fable. 


If thoughts and feelings were TRUTH, they would be called Facts. In the pages of this fable and companion memoir, we learn about TRUTH and the simple way we can transcend the lie of unworthiness. Imagined unworthiness shows up as a tyranny of thoughts and feelings that cause psychological suffering.

5 Star Reviews

Rosalyn Rourke’s book When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness To Freedom is superb. Her  own story is beautifully described. The fable is  a wonderful introduction to Non-Duality. The memoir traces Rosalyn’s spiritual journey through childhood trauma and the devastating loss of Melissa, to arrive at an understanding of our true nature. The memoir, and the questions and answers that follow it, beautifully illustrate how psychological pain and suffering can be transformed into a vehicle for the discovery of our natural, inherent freedom and happiness.

Jenny Beal

Living in Not Knowing | "Jenny Beal is the greatest living female scholar of the Direct Path of Non-Duality." - Rosalyn Rourke

What a beautiful book. Everyone should read this and learn from the wisdom Rosalyn shares. This book has something for everyone because we have all struggled with self-doubt, unworthiness, grief and the frailty of being human. Far too often we think that is what we are stuck with, but Rosalyn shows us that is not true, we are all worthy.

Wisdom creates a space for all of us to lean into and become free from our own limiting beliefs and stories, she is teaching all of us in one way or another.

In addition, Rosalyn shares her own personal story of struggle and loss to ultimate freedom as an example to all of us of what is possible, and she includes a valuable Q&A section in the back of the book. I love the structure of the book and the developed characters for us to connect with and find pieces of our story woven in their experiences.



I love parables because these simple stories shape our beliefs, challenge our perceptions, and inspire us to see the world in new ways.

These were my top 5 Parables: The Motive, The Richest Man in Babylon,The 5 AM Club,The Bible, The Alchemist. But now I have a 6th: When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness To Freedom by Rosalyn Rourke, M.S.W.

Imagine if wisdom wasn’t just a concept, or a character in a book, but a real person. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Rosalyn, and she possesses an extraordinary gift for teaching. Her patience, insight, and profound understanding of life and our choices are unparalleled. Her story sheds light on how family dynamics shape our professional and personal relationships.

Christine James

Program Creation Specialist for women breaking the six figure ceiling

 A Must-Read for Everyone!

i’ve just had the Total Joy of reading this book, and gobbled up every word, heck every letter from cover to cover—what an amazing experience!

In the simplest, most basic terms, Rosalyn digests for us what the ancient sages have been saying for hundreds of years: there is a way to experience Life without long-term pain and suffering. This book shares with us a clear How-To-do that…one only needs to apply these principles to their life now, and things will be experienced differently. How refreshing in this time where everyone is SELLING “relief from suffering”–often only a sell of temporary relief for most people. We are craving something permanent, a foundation, upon which to anchor ourselves for Peace, and Rosalyn clearly states it in relatable terms.

Rosalyn thank you for sharing this knowledge, that the foundation we are looking for is within each of us, and Now! 

Jennifer Sheehan, M.D.

As a psychotherapist of more than 30 years, Rosalyn’s book will be a moving, accessible, and wonderful addition to my practice.  It deals with all the major themes of therapy—self-discovery, self compassion, personal growth and evolvement.  A major element of self knowledge is respecting, loving, and knowing intimately one’s child parts.  This enables one to have access to one’s wise adult parts (self) rather than having our child parts guide our lives. When we live from our wise adult self, we are living in the “Now” and from the “I”.  This book will be a true gift to  my patients.

Leigh Gray, M.S.W

This fable has left an indelible mark on my perspective of self-discovery and personal growth. I feel myself understanding the True “I” in ways I had never thought of nor been in touch with. After reading this book I am exploring and will continue to explore myself through the lens of letting go and acceptance. One of the standout elements of this fable is the brilliantly conceived metaphor of tug-of-war, representing the constant push and pull we experience in our lives. This resonated deeply with my own life experiences, and it beautifully captured the profound shift that occurs when we let go and embrace acceptance. This book is a transformative journey that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page.


A simple, rich and beautiful book that offers Ancient strategies to end all grief and despair.

I loved how this perfectly written book presents Ancient Wisdom in such a clear and concise way. The newest and the most advanced Spiritual aspirants will be offered an extraordinarily simple explanation of Non-Duality (in Q & A section of the book) and The Direct Path and be able to stop the painful, looping thoughts. A must read for anyone dealing with grief or thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.

It beautifully captured the profound shift that occurs when we let go and embrace acceptance. This book is a transformative journey that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page.

Suzi Sokolow

This is a remarkable gift of a book. It delivers the kind of clarity and release that one can only hope to access after years of therapy. The enlightening conversation between Gem and Wisdom enables you to make sense of the psychological struggles we all deal with, whether it’s an inner battle or multi-generational trauma. To read this book is to be given a path forward towards healing and acceptance. Out of her own painful experiences, Rosalyn Rourke shares the fascinating and approachable mechanisms that have helped her find peace. Make the wise choice and buy this book!

Lauren Matison Crossley

Life Changing

I know Life Changing sounds like a huge leap for a book that won’t take you a week/month to read, but I’ve read dozens (maybe hundreds by now) of those books and stand solidly behind my claim. Author Rosalyn Rourke has walked the walk and lived into the truth that is available to each and every one of us–here, now. Choose a quiet hour or two alone and read slowly. Let it sink in. Then read it again. Maybe every day if necessary. A weight will drop from you. You’ll feel the shift. I promise.

Susan Bradley

A must read!

Rosalyn Rourke’s new book strikes so many chords. Her book is insightful, inspiring, and informative all at the same time. It’s broken into three parts: Gem’s perspective, Rosalyn’s perspective, and a Q&A section. However there’s a fourth brief part which is as important as the first three – ways in which one can continue to learn from Rosalyn. She offers access to meditations, to a book club with her on Zoom, to a quiz and follow-up from her, and a free class wherein she applies the teachings from the book. The journey with Rosalyn from imagined unworthiness to the knowledge of what we truly are is a journey worth taking. We all can learn from the Fable about eleven-year-old Gem, from the Memoir Companion, and from the Q&A. If, like me, you’re hungry for more, check out the pages about Bonus Materials. I’m gifting this book to many on my holiday gift list.

Katie Dougherty

An Insightful and Wise Read

I’ve read many books that address negative self-image and the struggles with escaping destructive multi-generational patterns. This three-part book will be a life-changer for countless people who are experiencing feelings of self-doubt. They will also find valuable guidance and straightforward answers to so many questions that we all often deal with in our current lives. Emotionally insightful, tenderly written, and filled with wisdom — that’s my take on a wonderful and sensitive book.

Rosalyn Rourke has done something special. “When Wisdom Arrives” is a game changer.

Jim Matison

Wisdom Available For All

In this profoundly unveiling, deeply inspiring, and beautifully written memoir, readers of all ages are welcomed to share in the teachings of Wisdom and Gem’s journey. Gem represents so many shared spaces of the human experience and the truth of worthiness that simply is. Wisdom gently and kindly ushers Gem to an awareness of connectedness and being that transcends time and space. As a parent, therapist, friend and community member, I hope that readers of all ages and spaces will find the gifts of unconditional love just as I have. Rosalyn shares reflections from her own life, with clarity, grace and acceptance, and in so doing, allows the reader to do the same. I love this book and I love Rosalyn.

Larisa Whipple, M.S.W

A simple, rich and beautiful book that offers Ancient strategies to end all grief and despair.

I loved how this perfectly written book presents Ancient Wisdom in such a clear and concise way. The newest and the most advanced Spiritual aspirants will be offered an extraordinarily simple explanation of Non-Duality (in Q & A section of the book) and The Direct Path and be able to stop the painful, looping thoughts. A must read for anyone dealing with grief or thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.


A much needed message

Thank you for the gift of your little book. The fable has a message that goes straight to the heart. It is simple yet profound and it keeps on giving.

I so desire peace in my heart and being and as Thich Nhat Hanh says, “peace in the world starts with peace in oneself.” Your story inspires me to have the willingness to release the fight—the endless looping of attack thoughts in my mind. I know that as I feel safe and more worthy, my compassion for myself and others will grow. This is the way to peace.

Franca Zadra

Truly life changing!

I highly recommend Rosalyn Rourke’s compelling and life changing book, “When Wisdom Arrives”. 

I am truly grateful to Rosalyn for creating this extremely helpful book which I will be keeping handy as a reference and reminder especially when I find myself in a state of anxiety, worry, over-thinking, self-doubt and forgetting the connection to my “True I.” I also highly recommend Roslyn’s bonus materials at the end of the book as her meditations and classes have been invaluable for me.

Amy Kruske

Journey Toward Inner Freedom

When Wisdom Arrives is a thought-provoking exploration of self-worth and the power of our own wisdom. Through a captivating fable and a companion memoir of Rosalyn, she skillfully unravels the universal struggle of imagined unworthiness. The book’s central message, that our thoughts and feelings may not always reflect truth, resonates deeply, offering the reader a journey toward inner freedom and understanding. A true gift to read!

Shari Biery

Why I wrote this book

I was prompted to write the book when I noticed in my Glimpses meeting that people struggled with the language of the Non-Duality Direct Path. In When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom, I use none of the usual words to reveal how the main character was able to find her okayness from feeling unacceptable.

In the book, Wisdom shares a new idea with the main character that if thoughts and feelings were truth, we would call them facts. Both feelings and thoughts change, but there is something within us that is always present to notice the changes. Through our upbringing we have been taught to focus on the past and future. But, freedom comes to us only in the NOW. 

You are welcome to join my free Glimpses of Awakening meeting to discover with me and like-minded folks how to find your freedom now

From Unworthiness to Freedom offers a promise

Is this your moment to have Wisdom arrive? My freedom came in what could be called a mystical awakening, but afterward I saw that the Direct Path of Non-Duality explained what had happened to me. Wisdom can arrive at any moment of suffering and bring freedom. My book explains this through story and lived experience. 

Join my Glimpses of Awakening meeting which is dedicated to help folks interested in applying to their lives what the little girl in the fable learned from Wisdom. 

We meet via zoom on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 1:30p ET. When you sign up, we will send you the Zoom link for the next Glimpses meeting. 

Join my mailing list to receive special gift offerings and be part of the book launch excitement, please sign up here:

  • You will receive:
  • Invites to bookstore signings
  • Backstage pass to launch activities
  • Personal shares about getting ready for television, podcasts and publisher’s events

When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom launches from Muse Literary in early Fall 2023!

Larisa Whipple, MSW
Bellevue, Washington

“When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom” is a fable, full of teachings that transcend age, family composition, and time and is a deeply powerful tool that I can share in my family psychotherapy practice. Harnessing the power of storytelling, Rourke masterfully navigates the ancient path of Non-Duality, presenting profound wisdom accessible to all ages of readers without resorting to jargon. Readers are invited to find their true identity behind imagined unworthiness. This is indeed the promise of this book. 

Through a captivating fable featuring Wisdom and Gem, readers are invited to release the need for self-improvement, or fixing. The notion that we can relinquish such burdens carries palpable relief and potential. Eleven year old Gem’s psychological suffering initially focused on hurtful beliefs around the body. Wisdom teaches Gem how to interrupt the hurtful pattern from her beliefs and emotions. As Gem discovers her “True I” in a new direction, the illusion of unworthiness dissipates, offering a simple yet profound path into healing for all of us. The reader can substitute any subject for Gem’s beliefs of unworthiness and achieve a similar journey to “okayness.”

Rourke brilliantly interweaves her own life experiences through the eyes of Gem. I’ll leave the reader to discover how Rourke emerges from grief into becoming a Thought Leader, Speaker and Best Selling Author. Rourke’s writing expanded my understanding of grief resilience, challenging conventional notions about grief, and offers a broader perspective on healing. “When Wisdom Arrives: From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom” could become the next grassroots phenomenon in book sales. For anyone struggling with inner turmoil, I recommend immersing oneself in Rourke’s teachings. Rosalyn Rourke demonstrates that our present narrative is not solely dependent on our past experiences; rather, it is possible to release even ancestral suffering through how we choose to live in the present.”

When Feelings Hijack Your Peace

Guided Meditations

To deepen your practice, here is a library of guided meditations by Rosalyn to support you on your journey.