When a group of powerful female authors were asked, “What is your mission?” I was startled! Do regular people get to have a mission?
I realize that I do stand for a TRUTH that matters.
My mission is to help every interested person discover that their sense of unworthiness is imagined.
Why does it matter what people believe? A false belief in unworthiness eats away at our sense of belonging, connection and self care. A belief in unworthiness is like slow torture and a kind of soul suicide.
My book, From Imagined Unworthiness to Freedom is a telling of my personal journey: revealing how we can move away from a false narrative, even one that we inherited from our ancestors. It is possible to develop new neural pathways, even when our present community reinforces the old false message gleaned from our ancestors. Everything in this community is dedicated to the knowing of our inherent worth.
Thoughts, feelings and actions come and go. If thoughts and feelings were TRUTH, they would be called FACTS. But there is something beyond the feeling or thought that is lasting. This is the “True I,” which does not have a solid form and yet is always present.
Think back to your most common Unworthiness subject: I am not smart enough, I am too fat, I am too old for …, I am a spiritual fake, I am not good looking enough, I am too short, I am too black, I am too white, I am not musical, I can’t dance, I can’t write, I don’t have a big enough house, nice enough car, enough money, enough friends. Etc.
When you start down the road on one of these subjects, how does it end?
Is that pretty close to how those repetitive thought-feeling patterns end? Remember that ouch feeling. It always ends the same when you go through the not-good-enough looping pattern, right? When we are honest with ourselves about the “ouch” ending, we interrupt the automatic continuation of our unworthiness theme.
This is called a pattern interrupt. It is the first step to creating a new thought-feeling pattern.
Are you willing to Stand with me on these 3 Agreements?
Agreement #1
I Stand for the Worthiness of every newborn (that means us too!)
Agreement #2
I understand that most children mistakenly blame themselves when things do not feel good in the family, because their brains cannot yet analyze false beliefs.
Agreement #3
I commit to saying “Ouch” if I hear unworthiness slander toward myself or another. “Ouch” gives the pause needed to step out of well-worn, looping neuropathways.
Within 90 seconds, science tells us, we are free to have a new thought- if we don’t continue to add more thoughts to the old, hurtful thought. Are you willing to take a stand for the , including the worthiness of all people including yourself? My experience is that taking a stand and claiming a mission helps to make the outside and inside feel consonant. When I presented likability to the world and inside felt soul searing unworthiness, it was an experience of dissonance. I spoke of the worth of all people and then made myself an exception. Does this gap between the outside and inside resonate with you?
Within this community, there are many offerings to help you if you desire to live beyond the question of worth. Please check them out and connect with me in a 30 minute Discovery Call if you are not sure which program might be for you.
Are you curious about exploring new ways to think, feel, or believe about grief?
Take our free True or False quiz to uncover your hidden beliefs and gain fresh insights that can transform your perspective.
Click the link below to get started!
What is possible for you by joining the movement and taking a stand on worthiness?
I invite you to envision the follow possibilities for your life:
When I know I am enough, generosity flows through me.
When I know my worth, I can finally stop judging myself and others.
When I know my worth, I am free to be the embodiment of the Divine and fully engage with life.
When I claim my worth, I am free to discover my gifts and capabilities and truly evolve in my life.
When I claim my worth, I am free to allow others their freedom of expression.
When I claim my worth, I can experience my connection to all.
When I claim my worth, I am inclined to take good care of myself.
When I claim my worth, I can connect intimately to people, places, and things.
When I claim my worth, I can step out in leadership and shine the light of my being.
This is an inside job that reflects on the outside.
If you are ready to join the Worthiness Movement, click below and we will send you a membership email, including a document of the 3 Agreements.
New neural pathways are created by new actions. I am inviting you to a new experience of yourself by joining the Worthiness Movement.